Psychological assessment refers to scientific methods psychologists use to understand human personality and psychological functioning. When combined with information from interviews, observations, and other sources, assessments can help clients explore new and more effective ways of resolving problems. 

After assessment procedures are completed and the results are obtained, I provide my clients with feedback about the results. The purpose is to promote great self understanding and more ability to help plan appropriate treatment. In this way, assessment can shorten treatment and reduce its cost when compared to treatment based solely on a clinical interview. Psychological assessment can also provide accurate and objective information to help answer questions posed by other health professionals and referring agencies such as school systems, the court, and social agencies. 

I have extensive experience with psychological assessment. I was trained by two of the foremost personality researchers in the world*, served as a diagnostician as a part of two major NIMH-funded scientific studies, and provided formal psychological assessments in a number of hospital settings. In addition, I routinely conduct psychological testing and assessment as part of my clinical practice.

*These are Dr. Jack Graham, author of "MMPI-2: Assessing personality and psychopathology," and Dr. Yossef Ben-Porath, lead developer of the MMPI-2-RF.